The Romans aquired our region in the first century AD. The area became quite popular for country estates where people grew newly introduced agricultural goods like wine. One of these estates has been rediscovered during land consolidation in 1981 and partly rebuilt. In order to see it more realistic and in full dimensions, I rebuilt it as a 3d-model and completed the rendered image with a photomontage (which was quite difficult as today the site looks totally different). The villa was built in the 2nd century with a 104m long facade, a representative portico (the row of columns), a amply roman bath and a very remarkable wine press. The reconstruction shows the full length after its extension to 150m in the 4th century. Towards the end of the roman empire, the Alamanni and other tribes came marauding and destroyed it. Despite the uncertain times, a larger villa was built within a stone's throw but hidden by a hill.

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